Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Setting up a React environment
- JSX syntax and structure
- React components
State and Props
- Understanding state
- Props and passing data
- Managing state with hooks (useState)
Basic Hooks
- useState
- useEffect
- useContext
Event Handling
- Handling events in React
- Binding event handlers
- Event objects
Component Lifecycle
- Understanding the lifecycle of a component
- Class components vs. functional components
- Using lifecycle methods
Forms and Inputs
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Form validation
- Setting up React Router
- Defining routes
- Using Link and NavLink
- Nested routes
Context API
- Creating a context
- Provider and Consumer
- useContext hook
Advanced Hooks
- useReducer
- useMemo
- useCallback
- Custom hooks
Performance Optimization
- Memoization
- Code splitting
- Lazy loading components
- React Profiler
State Management
- Using Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- React-Redux
- MobX
- Jest and Enzyme
- React Testing Library
- Unit testing components
- Integration testing